Director School of Genocide, Conflicts and Human Rights Studies
Tel: 017 88 39 67
Email: truthboly@dccam.org
Dy Khamboly was born and raised in Kratie province – one of the provinces along the Mekong River. Khamboly has worked for Documentation Center of Cambodia (DC-Cam) since 2003. He currently heads its Genocide Education Project and is the author of the textbook entitled "A History of Democratic Kampuchea (1975-1979)," published in 2007, which has been endorsed by Cambodian Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports as mandatory reading for secondary school students nationwide.
Khamboly holds a B.A. degree in English from the Royal University of Phnom Penh and a B.A. degree in Business Administration from the National University of Management. He has audited courses on genocide studies at Concordia University (Canada) and has served as an intern at the Unites States Holocaust Memorial Museum and Voice of America. He graduated with an M.S. degree in Global Affairs from Rutgers University in 2009 and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. there.
Director's Statement
Memory -- Memory of the past is the foundation needed to understand the present and shape the future. The Sleuk Rith Institute School will train exceptional Cambodian youth and international students about the lessons of the past and the principles of law and human rights needed to motivate a new generation of leaders. With a state-of-the-art library, we will create a setting that encourages students and researchers to work collaboratively.